UTHS Alumni Blog
Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Class of 57 Update
The UTHS Class of 57 held their 50-year reunion on September 8th at the Metro Center Banquet Room in Moline. One hundred sixteen classmates and guests were in attendance. It was an enjoyable evening visiting with classmates and and sharing a good meal. Please consider attending our next reunion in five years.Linda Anderson Griffin has graciously agreed to chair the 55-year reunion. Please contact her at linda61278@mchsi.com or 309-496-2803 if you would like to be on the committee for the next reunion. Also please contact her or the high school if your address, telephone number, or email address changes in the next five years.
Thank you.
Carol Anderson
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Class of 1957 Update
Subject: UTHSCLASS57REUNIONUPDATPlease have the following posted on the U.T.H.S. web for THE CLASS OF 1957.
Only a few weeks until our 50-year reunion, on Saturday, September 8th.
We'd like to see and visit with our classmates, so plan to come join us. Please return your reservation and booklet information if you have not already done so.
Contact Carol Anderson at cjand@mchsi.com if you need information or have any questions.
Hope to see you there!
Carol Anderson
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Class of 1962 Reunion
Our 1962 Class Reunion is Sept.28-29-30thFriday night going to the Homecoming Football Game And then Frank'sPizza for food and drink and reminiscing. Dutch treat of course.Saturday night is dinner at the Lavender Crest Winery in Colona, Ill.Reservations are required. Can call Charlene Colvin Davis at R.I.558-6780 or Earl Paasch at 563-332-6110 Bettendorf.Sunday afternoon from 1:30 - 4pm UTHS Cafeteria for Dessert andRefreshments for the Whole Family. Entrance is From the east side of theCafeteria.Bring your mementos photos etc. for everyone to see on Sat. and Sun.Looking forward to a great time.Charlene Colvin DavisClass of 1957 Update
July Update for Class of 57 - 50-Yr ReunionWe've had a very good response from classmates returning the booklet information forms. If you have not done so, please send in your form as soon as possible so we may proceed with developing the booklet.
Note: Dinner reservations forms are due August 15th. Response so far has been very good.
We hope to see you there!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Class of 1997 Reunion
Class of 1997 - 10 year reunionSaturday August 18th, 2007
Where: Fargo – South Hall4204 Avenue of the Cities, Moline 7pm – 2 am
Cost: $15 per person or $25 per couple in advance$20 per person or $35 per couple at the door
Beer, Pop, appetizers – pending money raised from responses
Please send in your R.S.V.P. and check byJuly 15th, 2007
Payable to: Melissa Johnson3232 15th Street CMoline, Il. 61265
Friday, June 22, 2007
Class of 1967
Mr. Terronez,Hello and greetings from the Class of 1967. We would like you to publish the information on the UTHS Alumni Reunion page and the BLOG page also.
Wayne Mosher
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Class of 1958
The UT class of 1958 will hold their 50th class reunion August 15-17, 2008August 15, 2008 will be a golf outing followed by a mixer at Sam's SouthHall @ Highland Park Bowl in Moline.
August 16, 2008 our reunion reception will be at the Mark of the Quad Cities beginning at 6:00 pm. hours subject to change.
August 17, 2008 will be a Brunch at the Holiday, near the Moline airport, for all the goodbye's.
Anyone needing more information can
call Lois McCreight Wehner @309-283-0427 or loisteach@aol.com or
call Gary Miller309-796-1051 or gmiller1@mchsi.com.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
UTHS Class of 1957
Subject, updated information for the reunion of U.T.H.S. class of 1957.On 13 June information regarding the 50 yr. reunior of the class of 1957 was mailed to the classmates that were located.Included was information confirming dinner reservations,class booklet and class photo. Please be sure to return the information no later than 15 August. If you did not recieve the mailing, contact Carol Anderson for duplicates, at cjand@mchsi.com or 309-792-5209. Carol will also respond to any questions you may have.
Check the web site from time to time as it will be updated as our plans progress.Several reuniosuprises are planned for the reunion.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Class 1957
The U.T.H.S. graduating class of 1957 wishes to announce it's 50 yr. reunion plansOn Saturday, September 8th.,2007, we will hold our reunion,at the Metro Center Station banquet room.It is located next door to Johnnie's Italian Steak House at 1300 River Drive, Moline, across the street from the Mark.
We look forward to seeing old friends and reliving memories. Everyone is encouraged to attend
This link will be updated as plans progress.
If you have questions please feel free to contact Carol Anderson at cjand@mchsi.com or 309-792-5209.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Class of 68
Subject: UTHS Class of 1968 New Email ListDo to a mistake on my part I somehow deleted my master class reunion email list.
I have taken the opportunity to try to get everyone's name to appear in the "To:" section. Sorry ladies but a number of you are listed by your maiden name but that's how the master spreadsheet is organized. A few of you are listed by your current married name. The few classmates that are married to each other are listed by the married surname.
Any way this is to see how many emails come back to me because of out dated addresses.
So again pass this on to any classmates and have them contact me.
Next years reunion activities are:
Friday Aug. 15th 2008 at Wells Fargo
Saturday Aug.16th 2008 at The Hampton Heritage Center.
2712 - 4th Street Court East Moline, IL. 61244
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Class of 1968
This is just a quick note to put the dates on your calendars and pass along to any classmates you know. Have anyone that doesn't receive this directly from me to get me their email address.Classmate mixer Friday Aug.15th, 2008 at Wells Fargo Lounge in Moline 5 until midnight.
Classmates and significant others Saturday Aug.16th, 2008 at Hampton Heritage Center from 5 or 6 until midnight. Catered by Bridges who catered our last reunion.
Details of food, drink and pricing will be sent at a later date.
We intend to invite the Classes of 1967 and 1969 to our Friday night mixer so if you know the where abouts of any of those people please pass this along.
My contact info is:
2712 - 4th Street Court East Moline, IL. 61244
309/755-5759 Home Phone
Monday, April 02, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Cornell 100 Birthday Party
Elisabeth Cornell, who taught math for many years at UTHS, will be celebrating her 100th birthday on June 30, 2007. The event will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at The Masonic Center, 7409 Franklin Avenue, Middleton, WI. The host family requests reservations be mailed by March 31, 2007 to Ruthann Martin, 8924 45th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Hosts telephone numbers are 206-522-7280 (Ruthann Martin) and 608-669-2379 (Ralph Cornell).Harold Kendall, Class of 1941, phone (309) 755-3469.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Class of 1968
For many of you this is a first. A small group of us have always started thinking about our class reunions more than a year in advance. If you're in The QCA you're welcome to come to an initial meeting Wed. Mar. 28th at 6PM at Jack Brooks' law office. His office is at Blackhawk Road and 38th Street in Rock island. It's in the second building next to the Arthur's Deli.If anyone has any ideas or suggestions but can't or doesn't want to make the meeting please forward them to me. Also, check the names above I'm sure some of the email addresses I have are out of date. Let others know about this and have them contact me.
Email: VanThorreJeffreyP@JohnDeere.com
Email: VanThorreJeffreyP@SBCGlobal.net
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Class of 1977 Reunion?
Can you tell me whether United Township High School Class of 1977 is planning a 30th reunion?Best regards,
Kelly (Kelvin) Rundle, '77
310.398.0015Fourth Wall Films--POB 341610--Los Angeles, CA 90034
Monday, December 11, 2006
Class of 72 35th Reunion - Meeting to be held
Meeting to be held at Dugan's on January 23rd at 6PM Questions - call Becky Samuelson Cruse at 309-792-0707Monday, October 23, 2006
Class of '86
UTHS Class of ‘8620th Reunion
When: November 25, 2006
Where: Leisure Time Billiards
Time: 7:00- ???
Cost: $15 per person
Beer, Pop, Appetizers
Please send in your RSVP and money by
November 1, 2006 to:
Class of ’86 Reunion
3040 9th Street
East Moline, IL 61244
Every attempt was made to contact fellow classmates. If you know of
someone who did not receive an invitation, please forward this information to them. If you have any questions, please contact the committee at UTHSClassof86@aol.com
Name(s) of attendee(s)____________________________
Current Address of Graduate:_______________________
The current reunion committee is retiring!
If you would be interested in taking over the reunion duties, please indicate below.
I _________________________________ would love to take over planning the reunions!
My phone number is _______________________.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Class of 1972 Reunion
Class of 1972 is planning a reunion for the weekend of September 21stand 22nd, 2007. Plan ahead! More information will be provided as itbecomes definite. Plans include a Friday night mixer, Saturday golfoutings (traditional and miniature), and Saturday evening casualgathering with buffet and DJ.Monday, August 14, 2006
1971 Reunion Details
Have a finish list of missing class mates. Also we have found someone to help us with the web site. The class is working on this project.Sandy
Keith Adams
Susan Barron Beamsley
Joan Bennett Collins
Curtis Brookhart
David Burrell
Steve Champion
Steve Daniel
William Davis
Lee Ann Deopere Anderson
Robert DeYoung
Connie Dopler Spinks
Mike Dundy
Pam Graham Moeller
Bill Gregory
Claudia Griffith Hosman
Vince Gustafson
Lloyd Harper
Bob Harris
David Holder
Sue Humbard Jones
Gary Johnson
William Keely
Don Leebold
Cathy McCarty Lanier
Randy McDowell
Bruce Mickle
Ron Mickle
Lucky Mitchell
Jeff Nestle
Vickie Ode
Kevin Oosting
James Peterson
Beverly Phelps
Verba Plumb Hunter
Todd Rainey
Janet Sandner Lee
Dennis Sisul
Jane Siverly Goodrich
Marc Soliz
Sheryl SwansonRhodes
Jane Swanson King
Charles Switzer
Jay Terry
Joe Turjillo
Joyce Utter Rasso
Cheryl VanBell Werner
Victor Vershaw
Chris Versluys Duncan
Gary Watson
Sonja Weidman Nicholson
Also e-mails can be used to get us the info: miket162@mchsi.com
Friday, August 04, 2006
Class of 1941 Reunion
Class of 41 will hold its 65th Anniversary Reunion at Short Hills Country Club on August 25. Cocktails are at 11:30 am and Buffet Luncheon at 12:30 PM. Live music for listening and dancing. For required reservations, phone Harold Kendall 309-755-3460...Rides are available.ahkendl@aol.com
Class of 1951 Reunion
The 1951 Reunion Committee has been planning our reunion for a year. It is to be held September 9th at the Vikings in Moline at 5:30. Again this year classmate, Dona Wallen Holle will be publishing a reunion book. If we will be able to get on this website, I would like to put the information in the reunion book.tschotka@mchsi.com
Theresa Schotka
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Class of 1986 Reunion
The class of 1986 is putting together a 20th class reunion. In order for us to procede, we kneed to know where our classmates are living! Please send us your address and those of your classmates to UTHSClassof86@aol.com by August 31, 2006. Thank you for your cooperation!Monday, July 24, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Class of 1971 Reunion Update - Looking for Classmates
The committee has sent out all invitations to our classmates. In the invitation it tells all events that are going on. BUT we still can not locate some classmates and were hoping that you could list their names and ask for other fellow classmates to get back to us if they know where they are.Missing Classmates From Class of 1971
Wanda Akers
John Sharpe
Cindy Bowker
Debbie Blubaugh Mendonsa
Dan Burke
Rhonda Brown
Sue Collis
Ken Bureski
Alan Love
Richard Lee
Anthony McCormick
Roy Moffett
Linda Ripe
I will be sending in more info now that everything is ready to go. Thanks so much for all your help.
Saundra Presley Roberson
Please help us find our missing class mates, contact Sandy at 736-1183.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Alumni are Invited to Angelus Retirement Community
My name is Debbie Elliott and I am the Community director for Angelus Retirement community at NORTH HILL!We would like to invite former Alumni to revisit their old stomping ground and wasn't sure who to contact. We are having a dinner/dance on September 15th and thought this would be a great time for Alumni to see what we have done and visit old friends.
Please if you have any info. Let me know.
My work e-mail is delliott@angelusretirement.comThanks,Debbie Elliott
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Class of 1976 Update! Just Released !
UTHS Class of 1976 will hold its 30 year class reunion on August 5, 2006, 6 p.m. at the Triangle Inn, 1650 1st Avenue Silvis, IL. There will be no advance registration or fee; please attend to catch up and enjoy old friends!Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Class of 1989 Searching for Classmates....
Hello, I am Dawn (Fetterer) class of 1989 and was wanting to get in touchwith others from that class that may remember me. Please feel free to emailme at simplestuff2004@msn.comTuesday, June 06, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Class of 1956 - 50th Reunion
50 Year ReunionFriday, August 4, 2006
Mixer at Fargo South Hall, Moline
Dinner at Short Hills Country Club, East Moline
Details will come at later date
Contact Bev Van Klaveren Vollrath at 309-496-2400
Class of 1956 - 50th Reunion
Class of 1956 - 50th Reunion - See document for Information
Class of 2001 - 5th Reunion
Class of 2001 - 5th ReunionThe UTHS Class of 2001 Reunion will on June 30th, and begin at 8PM in the South Hall of Highland Park Bowl on Avenue of the Cities in Moline. (The old arcade room).
This room now has a bar and dance floor. Justin Miller, who runs Master DJ and Visual Effects, will be the DJ at the event (UT Class of 01 grad as well).
We are asking for a $5 at the door to help pay for room usage and other incidental costs for the event.
John Haney
I'm trying to get a database together of everyone from our class, so ifyou could email me your contact info that would help out a lot. Also -looking for someone to design and maintain a website for Class of 2001- so email me if you are interested in doing that too.
Thanks everyone,John HaneyDrmmr01@aol.com309-235-4461
Class of 1996 - 10th Reunion
Class of 1996 - 10th Reunion
The class of 1996- 10 year reunion will be held Labor Day weekend 2006. Friday evening will be casual drinks at P.K. Dugan's Sports Bar in Silvis and Saturday will be dinner, drinks and entertainment (DJ service) at the Moline Holiday Inn. Invitations including details and reservation forms will be sent out the week of May 15th so please be sure to update your name and address information soon by e-mailing or calling to persons listed below. Reservations can be made until August 1st, after which time no reservations for Saturday can be accepted. Please spread the word so that we can have a great turnout! If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail or call. Thank you!
Cassie Ridenour RiddenC1@ihs.org Andrea (Hendricks) Gryp grypandream@johndeere.com (309) 796-0615
Class of 1981 - 25th Reunion
The Class of 1981 will be holding their reunion at Saturday, July 22nd, at The River House in Moline. For more information email: uths1981@mchsi.com or contact Laura Heath-Carson at 797-5519. Registration packets will be mailed the week of May 15 th. If you did not receive an orange postcard in the mail, please contact us.Class of 1971 - 35th Reunion
Class of 1971- 35th Reunion
September 22nd Friday and 23rd. New information will be posted...
Committee Members: Deni McCarter, Sue DeCapp Wesselman, Deb Johnston Richard, Mike Toalson, Ted Prickett, Sandy Presley Roberson, Gina Hernandez Hoffman
Committee Members are seeking classmates. Please assist us with this search by submitting your address, email address, etc to a member.
Further information will be forthcoming on the reunion...Thanks. Sandra Presley-Roberson
For More Information Contact Email Addresses
Contact for information: Saundra Presley Roberson -call 309-736-1183
Class of 1966 40th Reunion
Class of 1966 - Reunion 2006...The UTHS Class of 1966 - 2006 - 40th Year Reunion will be held the weekend of July 28-30, 2006!Since the reunion in 2006 is our "40-Year-Reunion" and represents a milestone - we are hoping for and expecting a terrific reunion.By providing significant "advance notice" and providing regular updates as arrangements progress...we hope to encourage all classmates...those who attend regularly and those have never attended a reunion...to consider attending our 40-Year-Reunion. Hope to see you there!Class of 1966 Website