1971 Reunion Details
Have a finish list of missing class mates. Also we have found someone to help us with the web site. The class is working on this project.Sandy
Keith Adams
Susan Barron Beamsley
Joan Bennett Collins
Curtis Brookhart
David Burrell
Steve Champion
Steve Daniel
William Davis
Lee Ann Deopere Anderson
Robert DeYoung
Connie Dopler Spinks
Mike Dundy
Pam Graham Moeller
Bill Gregory
Claudia Griffith Hosman
Vince Gustafson
Lloyd Harper
Bob Harris
David Holder
Sue Humbard Jones
Gary Johnson
William Keely
Don Leebold
Cathy McCarty Lanier
Randy McDowell
Bruce Mickle
Ron Mickle
Lucky Mitchell
Jeff Nestle
Vickie Ode
Kevin Oosting
James Peterson
Beverly Phelps
Verba Plumb Hunter
Todd Rainey
Janet Sandner Lee
Dennis Sisul
Jane Siverly Goodrich
Marc Soliz
Sheryl SwansonRhodes
Jane Swanson King
Charles Switzer
Jay Terry
Joe Turjillo
Joyce Utter Rasso
Cheryl VanBell Werner
Victor Vershaw
Chris Versluys Duncan
Gary Watson
Sonja Weidman Nicholson
Also e-mails can be used to get us the info: miket162@mchsi.com
dennis sisul is no longer with us he passed on not to long ago
Might be old news now , but Vic Vershaw is deceased.
David Holder is deceased.
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